He arrived blowing bubbles, as if to tell the world, "hey man, no big deal."
That's our man, Keaton. The Skipper. Actually, a pretty big deal.
He makes a perfect sidekick to our hero, the Good Cap'n Quinn, his big brother and partner in crime. The two met for the first time today, just a few hours after the Skipper breathed his first breath, squeaked his first squeak.
The Cap'n is brave and in control. He approached his new partner tenderly at first, then smiled that knowing smile, right before taking charge.
"Can I hold him please?," he asked Mommy.
Of course you can. Take him under your wing. Show him how we lead this mighty ship of ours, the U.S.S. Fussy Britches, through the rough waters and dirty diapers of life. Show him what it means to take and ball throw it, to race a car, to play with the dog, to beg for ice cream and then get it.
Yes, Keaton, Skipper, you have arrived. Blow your bubbles, young man. Tell the world, "no big deal." Then take it over.
This ship has set sail.
Keaton's first bath
Quinn meets Keaton
Quinn and Daddy hang out with Keaton
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