He likes to sit in our arms and stare at us, as if there's something hanging from our noses and he's too polite to say anything, but not polite enough not to stare.
This is the sign of a curious young mind; an observer of the world, taking it all in through wide-eyed stares.
Just a week shy of being two months old, he's not expected to say much. He's not expected to say anything, really, which explains my surprise when one day, out from his pursed little mouth, came this noise:
So he cooed, in an ever-so faint way that made you think twice before you realized he wasn't passing gas.
A "coo" is baby talk, so technically we can't consider that his first word. But it was certainly his first noise other than crying, so it's worth documenting in the annals of time.
Cap'n Quinn, by contrast, is a verbal jukebox filled with coins.
What did you do today Quinn?
"Went to the park and saw the kid... then the purple guy and the shark ... and, and .... the pirate and the pirate and the blue guy ... and chicken and fries and then ... (spinning in circles) whoa! whoa!"
As bright and articulate as a nearly three-year-old can be, he still has more in his brain than his little mouth can handle at once.
The doctors say Quinn has mono, a virus which typically makes you lethargic and miserable. Quinn is ebullient and generally cheerful. I wish everybody had his kind of mono.
Certainly, he's worth staring at with googly eyes.
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