Keaton is leaving his turtle stage, where he lays on his back and occasionally rolls over. He sits up now, although with Mommy and Daddy or his baby chair as a prop. But it's still sitting up, which is more than we could claim last week.
This is where it starts to get fun, not that it wasn't fun before.
He's still a baby, and will be for a long time, but he's advancing to a stage where he feels more like a little boy. Keaton will sit in his little Bumbo chair, fully supported, and dig into a box full of baby toys. Across the house, his big brother is doing the same thing, though rooting through a bucket of Hot Wheels cars.
They're really not all that different anymore. I'm discounting, of course, Quinn's stage of evolution, which involves him saying things like, "Get out of my face, Dad!" and "I'm so, so, so, so, sorry, Dad!" and "Let me tell you a story ... "
But today, the day before Valentine's Day, Quinn really warmed Daddy's heart.
We were at Costco and Daddy was stuffing a case of beer into the bottom of the shopping cart. Quinn, looking at the case, said, "When I get big, I'm going to drink beer just like my Dad."
I know I shouldn't be proud, but let a Dad have his moments, even if they're mildly inappropriate.
My boys are getting bigger.
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