He's here to be a pal to Beh as Keaton calls him or Bear as we all know him, until such a time as bear falls apart (which, from the looks of it, may happen pretty soon with all the loving going on).
Bear was never meant to be the long lasting lovie. I was sure this time around I was going to do it right and have two of the same lovie, so when one had had it's day in the sun and needed to be retired, we would have a brand new back up! But nevertheless, somehow this blue bear became his favorite and I still don't know how it happened. But every night he tucks Beh under his arm and drifts off to sleep. Now every morning he wants to bring him downstairs for breakfast too, and lunch and dinner. So Beh is going through the ringer and showing signs of his masters love of pizza and waffles with syrup.
So Beh is going to have to show Puppy the ropes around here and maybe these two can be pals and one won't have to go away and they both can hang about, just like Quinn has his two favorite blankies. But if Beh should happen to just become too rough around the edges, hopefully Puppy will be there to pick up the pieces and fill in as the new blue love.
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