Recently heard in the front seat from the rear seat of the car.
Quinn: Keaton what do you say when I toot?
Keaton: Toot
Quinn: Nooooo! What do you say when I toot?
Keaton: Toot
Quinn: (laughing) Noooo bud, what do you say when I toot?
Keaton: Toot
Obviously you get the idea of where this line of questioning went, no where! And I was busting a gut in the front seat. Because Quinn was trying to get "Excuse me" out of his little brother and it just wasn't happening. If nothing else, Quinn has taught his brother one thing, all the wrong things to say.
On any given day during a car ride we may hear Quinn in the back seat instructing his brother to say "poop" "pee" and "toot" and his little parrot has learned to mimic him perfectly. Thank goodness the only time we hear any of the words repeated is when Keaton has a "toot."