Unfortunately for us he lives down the hall and not outside. It seems this sweet little rooster has decided instead of going back to sleep like he used to much to my happiness at 6 whatever in the morning, that now when he rouses he chooses to shout out...."MA! MA!...MAMA! MA!" You pretty much get the idea.
He might stop for a few brief seconds to see if anyone is going to respond before starting up again because he knows this tactic so far has worked to his advantage. Sometimes it has gotten sleepy mommy to come in and tell him to go back to sleep, sometimes it has gotten daddy to come get him out of bed, but it always gets someone to come in and see him.
I'm is just wondering if this is the moniker (MA) that Keaton will choose to call me. It seems that is what he has chosen to get my attention for the moment, like when he's done with his yogurt and he wants the cup taken. Ma, Ma, MA MA! Only as the years go on will it graduate to "Hey Ma, can you wash my basketball, baseball, football gear?"
I think I like the ring of that.
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