As you can see here, the good Cap'n Quinn is meticulous in his dress. Though he typically doesn't care to wear his ball cap, he's particular about his batting gloves. Exactly why, I'm not sure. Perhaps, like his father, he's becoming keen to the ritual of it all.
After all, if they were available in his size at a reasonable cost, Quinn would be decked out Old School style in high stirrups. Alas, all the sporting goods stores had were white socks with faux-stripes colored on. We're not fakers here. We strive for authenticity.
Speaking of authenticity, check out the kid's swing, eh? Thing of beauty. Joe Mauer, he of big paycheck and crippled body, could take a few lessons.
For a clinic of your own, check out the progression of the Siemers family's latest gifted slugger. As you can see in his first few games, he struggled to find his way to first. But by his latest game today, several weeks into the season, he's no longer hitting off the tee.
Now all we have to do is get him more interested in fielding the ball than digging for worms.